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Three locked-down creatives collaborate to respond to the crisis in the best way they know how: the Lockdown Visual Poem was shaped by the vision of a Bristol based film maker, former poet-laureate to the city and a film, TV and theatre composer, as a response to the life altering impact of the global pandemic.

The project began when cameraman Ross James, ventured out of his home with a small camera and started documenting his community’s response to the unfolding crisis, alongside the abrupt changes to his family’s home life. What he saw through the viewfinder during those first few days of lockdown is unique but echoes the experience of many across the UK and beyond.

Capturing the atmosphere of the desolate streets in contrast to the bright spring sunshine started Ross on a path toward a visual document that needed a voice and narrative. Cue Miles Chambers who, inspired by the way the images captured the city’s reaction to the crisis, together with his own experiences, wrote a poem that connects with the nation’s collective sense of fear, loss and optimism.

“Keep Shining” uses Bristol as a backdrop, with Miles’ passionate performance taking us on a journey that everyone can relate to and has at its heart the message of ‘shining through’.

Thousands of people, including NHS staff, up and down the country have clapped to keep us all going and have shown us that their undaunted spirits continue to shine whatever we have to deal with.


This has been an independent creative project, shot safely adhering to restrictions throughout the crisis.

A huge thank you to:

Benji Bower – original score

Paul Mackeson – gimbal operator & stills

Ben White – script editor

Bethan Riach – copy writer

Sam Hackett – roadman

With special thanks to Gavin Eddy.

Credit to the wonderful James family for having a camera pointed at them in Lockdown.


Management & enquiries: Sarah Brooks Tel: +44 7768 283059